Både FIP og FEPA har meldt ud omkring konflikten mellem Ukraine og Rusland og henstiller til sine medlemmer om ikke at tillade deltagelse fra Rusland eller Hviderusland i nogen form for filatelistisk begivenhed indtil videre.

Både FIP og FEPA har meldt ud omkring konflikten og sanktioner imod Rusland på følgende måde (de originale tekster på engelsk er gengivet til slut):

FIP-bestyrelsens meddelelse om den russisk-ukrainske konflikt lyder:

Verden er fortvivlet over den russisk-ukrainske konflikt, der i øjeblikket finder sted.

FIP er en ikke-politisk global organisation, der har til formål at fremme filateli og at opretholde venskabelige forbindelser og venskab mellem alle sine medlemmer og deres udstillere. I henhold til vedtægternes artikel 2  diskriminerer FIP og dets medlemmer ikke på grund af køn, alder, etnisk identitet, religion eller politik.

Imidlertid må FIP’s bestyrelse repræsentere medlemmernes tristhed og sorg ved ikke at acceptere den nuværende aggression mod Ukraine.

FIP-bestyrelsen besluttede den 3. marts 2022 at anbefale organisationskomitéerne for FIP-verdensudstillingerne i 2022, at søge at trække russiske og hviderussiske eksponaters og personales deltagelse tilbage for at undgå eventuelle protester. Eventuelle tilbagebetalinger af rammegebyrer eller jurybilletpriser bør ske hurtigst muligt i fremtiden.

FIP-bestyrelsen har tillid til, at filatelisterne i Rusland og Hviderusland vil forstå denne vanskelige beslutning og vise deres venlige samarbejde. Det er i øjeblikket umuligt for jurymedlemmer og kommissærer fra Rusland eller Hviderusland at deltage i nogen af ​​de kommende FIP verdensfrimærkeudstillinger.

FIP’s bestyrelse skal løbende tage denne beslutning til efterretning og ønsker, at freden vender tilbage så hurtigt som muligt.

Underskrevet af FIPs formand og FIPs bestyrelse

Udmeldingen fra FEPA er med næsten samme indhold og konstaterer, at FEPA’s bestyrelse henstiller til sine medlemmer om ikke at tillade deltage deltagelse fra Rusland eller Hviderusland i nogen form for filatelistisk begivenhed indtil videre.

Underskrevet af Igor Pirc, generalsekretær for FEPA

De originale skrivelser i sin fulde ordlyd:


The FEPA Board met on 2 March 2022 to consider its position regarding the conflict in Ukraine initiated by the Russian Federation and Belarus.
It has agreed the following points:
1. FEPA is a non-political organisation dedicated to promoting cooperation between its Members in the belief that philately brings people together. It does not exercise control over its Members or organise events independently of them, and its function is purely advisory.
2. However, FEPA exists to coordinate and represent the views of its Members and consequently the Board feels compelled to express the overwhelming sense of horror and dismay among its Members at the truly exceptional situation created by the aggressive actions currently underway in Ukraine. It offers its deepest sympathy to all the victims of this conflict.
3. Decisions on suspension or termination of membership can only be made by the FEPA Congress. However, the Board can make recommendations to its Members on immediate actions they should consider to demonstrate their determination that the aggression in Ukraine is not acceptable.
4. The Board’s recommendation to its Members is that they should not permit participation from Russia and Belarus of any kind in their philatelic events for the foreseeable future.
5. The Board regrets deeply that this may disadvantage philatelists in Russia and Belarus, but it is clear that FEPA cannot appear in any way to condone the aggressive actions in Ukraine.
6. The Board will keep the position under close review in the light of events.
Igor Pirc
Secretary General


FIP Board Announcement on the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict
The world is distraught by the Russo-Ukrainian conflict that is currently taking place.
FIP is a non-political global organisation aiming to promote philately and to maintain friendly
relations and friendship amongst all its Members and their exhibitors. According to Statutes
Article 2 Non-Discrimination: FIP and its members do not discriminate for reasons of sex, age,
ethnic identity, religion, or politics.
However, representing the sadness and sorrow of its Members, the FIP Board cannot accept
the current aggression upon Ukraine.
The FIP Board decided on 3 March 2022 to recommend that the Organising Committees of the
FIP World Exhibitions in 2022, to seek the withdrawal of the participation of Russian and
Belarusian exhibits and personnel to avoid any possible protests. Any possible refunds of the
frame fees or jury airfare should be made, at the earliest opportunity in the future.
The FIP Board trusts that the philatelists in Russia and Belarus will understand this difficult
decision and appreciate their kind cooperation. It is currently impossible for Jurors and
Commissioners from Russia or Belarus to attend any of the upcoming FIP World Stamp
The FIP Board shall keep this decision under constant review and wishes for peace to return as
soon as possible.
FIP President and the FIP Board of Directors


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